19th Jan 2017

How much broadband data do I need?


The amount of data you need depends on your usage habits. The below information will provide you with a guide of how much data internet services use.

Email uses very little data unless your sending or receiving large files such as images or videos.

Web browsing can use up to 2.5MB per minute.

Facebook users in the course of a chat, checking photos and looking at links can use over 2MB data per minute.

Skype and VoIP voice calls use only 360KB per minute, however video calls use similar data to YouTube at 50MB per hour.

TV Streaming services use a lot of data. For example, watching 10 hours of TV per week on High Definition will use approximately 200GB per month.

Online movies can vary from 2GB to 5GB. Check the size of the download in the product description before proceeding.

YouTube video’s use approximately the same data per minute as Netflix. An hour of YouTube on High Definition can use more than 2GB of data.

Online Gaming generally uses large amounts of data, not only in the online experience, but also in downloading the initial game which can use up to 50GB or more.

Still unsure? Don’t worry our customer service operators can help you clarify which plan will be best suited to your needs. Call us on 1800 238 390.

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